Those two babes above are the MAIN reason I chose to start my very own children & family portrait photography business. When my son was born, I can’t tell you how many different photographers, from JC Penney to independent photogs, we went to so that I could capture his spirit as he was growing up. I THOROUGHLY enjoyed getting him dressed up and allowing the photographer to build a creative set so that we could enjoy professional photos of him as a baby for years to come. Flash forward, I am now pregnant with baby girl and start thinking could I start my own photography business??? Could I be a creative, self-taught photographer who understands how to shoot in manual mode, learn how to use editing tools, and deliver high-quality images to clients that will recommend me to their friends as a photographer they love working with? I mean we all know how much work newborns take, plus having an active toddler, keeping my home afloat, could actually this work? I decided once baby girl was born, I would borrow a ‘fancy camera’ and take my own holiday card photos. (Bye JC Penney!!) If I found this enjoyable then perhaps this was something I would actually pursue. In typical Kristina fashion, at the start of the new year, I created 2018 goals for myself – one being how to get my own photography business off and running. I’ll save my 2018 goals for another post – but I’m proud to showcase how much I’ve learned since day one, and how much support my family, friends, and clients have provided. These last six months have been incredible and I have YOU to thank.